Source code for pyarr.radarr

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Optional, Union
from warnings import warn

from requests import Response

from pyarr.const import DEPRECATION_WARNING
from pyarr.types import JsonArray, JsonObject

from .base import BaseArrAPI
from .exceptions import PyarrMissingArgument
from .models.common import PyarrSortDirection
from .models.radarr import (

[docs]class RadarrAPI(BaseArrAPI): """API wrapper for Radarr endpoints. Args: RequestAPI (:obj:`str`): provides connection to API endpoint """ def __init__(self, host_url: str, api_key: str): """Initialize the Radarr API. Args: host_url (str): URL for Radarr api_key (str): API key for Radarr """ ver_uri = "/v3" super().__init__(host_url, api_key, ver_uri) ## CONFIG # POST /rootfolder
[docs] def add_root_folder( self, directory: str, ) -> JsonObject: """Adds a new root folder Args: directory (str): The directory path Returns: JsonObject: Dictionary containing path details """ return self._post("rootfolder", self.ver_uri, data={"path": directory})
## MOVIE # GET /movie
[docs] def get_movie( self, id_: Optional[int] = None, tmdb: bool = False ) -> Union[JsonArray, JsonObject]: # sourcery skip: class-extract-method """Returns all movies in the database, movie based on the Radarr ID or TMDB id. Note: IMDB is not supported at this time Args: id_ (Optional[int], optional): Radarr ID or TMDB ID of Movies. Defaults to None. tmdb (bool): Use TMDB Id. Defaults to False Returns: Union[JsonArray, JsonObject]: List or Dictionary with items """ params = {} if tmdb: params["tmdbid"] = id_ return self._get( f"movie{'' if id_ is None or tmdb else f'/{id_}'}", self.ver_uri, params=params, )
# POST /movie
[docs] def add_movie( self, movie: JsonObject, root_dir: str, quality_profile_id: int, monitored: bool = True, search_for_movie: bool = True, monitor: RadarrMonitorType = "movieOnly", minimum_availability: RadarrAvailabilityType = "announced", tags: list[int] = [], ) -> JsonObject: """Adds a movie to the database Args: movie (JsonObject): Movie record from `lookup_movie()` root_dir (str): Location of the root DIR quality_profile_id (int): ID of the quality profile the movie will use monitored (bool, optional): Should the movie be monitored. Defaults to True. search_for_movie (bool, optional): Should we search for the movie. Defaults to True. monitor (RadarrMonitorType, optional): Monitor movie or collection. Defaults to "movieOnly". minimum_availability (RadarrAvailabilityType, optional): Availability of movie. Defaults to "announced" tags (list[int], optional): List of tag id's. Defaults to []. Returns: JsonObject: Dictonary with added record """ movie["rootFolderPath"] = root_dir movie["qualityProfileId"] = quality_profile_id movie["monitored"] = monitored movie["minimumAvailability"] = minimum_availability movie["addOptions"] = { "monitor": monitor, "searchForMovie": search_for_movie, } movie["tags"] = tags return self._post("movie", self.ver_uri, data=movie)
# PUT /movie
[docs] def upd_movie( self, data: JsonObject, move_files: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> JsonObject: """Updates a movie in the database. Args: data (JsonObject): Dictionary containing an object obtained from get_movie() move_files (Optional[bool], optional): Have radarr move files when updating. Defaults to None. Returns: JsonObject: Dictionary with updated record """ params = {} if move_files is not None: params["moveFiles"] = move_files print(type(data)) return self._put( "movie", self.ver_uri, data=data, params=params, )
# GET /movie/{id}
[docs] def get_movie_by_movie_id(self, id_: int) -> JsonObject: """Get a movie by the Radarr database ID Args: id_ (int): Database Id of movie to return Note: This method is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use get_movie() Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ warn( f"{DEPRECATION_WARNING} Please use get_movie()", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self._get(f"movie/{id_}", self.ver_uri)
# DELETE /movie/{id}
[docs] def del_movie( self, id_: Union[int, list], delete_files: Optional[bool] = None, add_exclusion: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Response, JsonObject, dict[Any, Any]]: """Delete a single movie or multiple movies by database id. Args: id_ (Union[int, list]): Int with single movie Id or list with multiple IDs to delete. delete_files (bool, optional): Delete movie files when deleting movies. Defaults to None. add_exclusion (bool, optional): Add deleted movies to List Exclusions. Defaults to None. Returns: Response: HTTP Response """ params: dict[str, Union[str, list[int], int]] = {} if isinstance(id_, list): params["movieIds"] = id_ if delete_files: params["deleteFiles"] = delete_files if add_exclusion: params["addImportExclusion"] = add_exclusion print(params) return self._delete( "movie/editor" if isinstance(id_, list) else f"movie/{id_}", self.ver_uri, params=None if isinstance(id_, list) else params, data=params if isinstance(id_, list) else None, )
# GET /movie/lookup
[docs] def lookup_movie(self, term: str) -> JsonArray: """Search for a movie to add to the database (Uses TMDB for search results) Args: term (str): Search term to use for lookup, can also do IMDB & TMDB IDs:: radarr.lookup_movie(term="imdb:123456") radarr.lookup_movie(term="tmdb:123456") Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ params = {"term": term} return self._get("movie/lookup", self.ver_uri, params)
# GET /movie/lookup
[docs] def lookup_movie_by_tmdb_id(self, id_: int) -> JsonArray: """Search for movie by TMDB ID Args: id_ (str): TMDB ID Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ warn( f"{DEPRECATION_WARNING} use lookup_movie(term='tmdb:123456')", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) params = {"term": f"tmdb:{id_}"} return self._get("movie/lookup", self.ver_uri, params)
# GET /movie/lookup
[docs] def lookup_movie_by_imdb_id(self, id_: str) -> JsonArray: """Search for movie by IMDB ID Args: id_ (str): IMDB ID Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ warn( f"{DEPRECATION_WARNING} use lookup_movie(term='imdb:123456')", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) params = {"term": f"imdb:{id_}"} return self._get("movie/lookup", self.ver_uri, params)
# PUT /movie/editor
[docs] def upd_movies(self, data: JsonObject) -> JsonArray: """The Updates operation allows to edit properties of multiple movies at once Args: data (JsonObject): Updated movie information:: {"movieIds":[28],"tags":[3],"applyTags":"add"} {"movieIds":[28],"monitored":true} {"movieIds":[28],"qualityProfileId":1} {"movieIds":[28],"minimumAvailability":"inCinemas"} {"movieIds":[28],"rootFolderPath":"/defaults/"} Returns: JsonArray: Dictionary containing updated record """ return self._put("movie/editor", self.ver_uri, data=data)
# DELETE /movie/editor
[docs] def del_movies( self, data: JsonObject ) -> Union[Response, JsonObject, dict[Any, Any]]: """The delete operation allows mass deletion of movies (and optionally files) Args: data (JsonObject): dictionary of movies to be deleted:: { "movieIds": [ 0 ], "deleteFIles": true, "addImportExclusion": true } Returns: Response: HTTP Response """ warn( f"{DEPRECATION_WARNING} Please use del_movie().", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self._delete("movie/editor", self.ver_uri, data=data)
# POST /movie/import
[docs] def import_movies(self, data: JsonArray) -> JsonArray: """The movie import endpoint is used by the bulk import view in Radarr UI. It allows movies to be bulk added to the Radarr database. Args: data (JsonObject): dictionary of all movies to be imported Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ return self._post("movie/import", self.ver_uri, data=data)
## MOVIEFILE # GET /moviefile # TODO: merge this with get_movie_file
[docs] def get_movie_files_by_movie_id(self, id_: int) -> JsonArray: """Get a movie file object by Movie database ID. Args: id_ (int): Movie database ID Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ params = {"movieId": id_} return self._get("moviefile", self.ver_uri, params)
# GET /moviefile
[docs] def get_movie_file(self, id_: Union[int, list]) -> JsonArray: """Get movie file by database ID Args: id_ (int, list): Movie file ID, or multiple in a list Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ if not isinstance(id_, list): return self._get(f"moviefile/{id_}", self.ver_uri) params = [("movieFileIds", file) for file in id_] return self._get("moviefile", self.ver_uri, params=params)
# DELETE /moviefile/{id}
[docs] def del_movie_file( self, id_: Union[int, list] ) -> Union[Response, JsonObject, dict[Any, Any]]: """Allows for deletion of a moviefile by its database ID. Args: id_ (Union[int, list]): Movie file ID Returns: Response: HTTP Response """ if isinstance(id_, list): data = {"movieFileIds": id_} return self._delete( "moviefile/bulk" if isinstance(id_, list) else f"moviefile/{id_}", self.ver_uri, data=data if isinstance(id_, list) else None, )
# GET /history/movie
[docs] def get_movie_history( self, id_: int, event_type: Optional[RadarrEventType] = None ) -> JsonArray: """Get history for a given movie in database by its database ID Args: id_ (int): Database ID of movie event_type (Optional[RadarrEventType], optional): History event type to retrieve. Defaults to None. Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ params: dict[str, Union[int, str, RadarrEventType]] = {"movieId": id_} if event_type: params["eventType"] = event_type return self._get("history/movie", self.ver_uri, params)
## BLOCKLIST # GET /blocklist/movie
[docs] def get_blocklist_by_movie_id( self, id_: int, ) -> JsonArray: """Retrieves blocklisted releases that are tied to a given movie in the database. Args: id_ (int): Movie id from Database Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ params = {"movieId": id_} return self._get("blocklist/movie", self.ver_uri, params)
## QUEUE # GET /queue
[docs] def get_queue( self, page: Optional[int] = None, page_size: Optional[int] = None, sort_dir: Optional[PyarrSortDirection] = None, sort_key: Optional[RadarrSortKey] = None, include_unknown_movie_items: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> JsonObject: """Return a list of items in the queue Args: page (Optional[int], optional): Page to be returned. Defaults to None. page_size (Optional[int], optional): Number of results per page. Defaults to None. sort_direction (Optional[PyarrSortDirection], optional): Direction to sort. Defaults to None. sort_key (Optional[RadarrSortKey], optional): Field to sort. Defaults to None. include_unknown_movie_items (Optional[bool], optional): Include unknown movie items. Defaults to None. Returns: JsonObject: List of dictionaries with items """ params: dict[str, Union[int, PyarrSortDirection, RadarrSortKey, bool]] = {} if page: params["page"] = page if page_size: params["pageSize"] = page_size if sort_key and sort_dir: params["sortKey"] = sort_key params["sortDirection"] = sort_dir elif sort_key or sort_dir: raise PyarrMissingArgument("sort_key and sort_dir must be used together") if include_unknown_movie_items is not None: params["includeUnknownMovieItems"] = include_unknown_movie_items return self._get("queue", self.ver_uri, params)
# GET /queue/details
[docs] def get_queue_details( self, id_: Optional[int] = None, include_movie: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> JsonArray: """Get details of all items in queue Args: id_ (Optional[int], optional): select specific item by id. Defaults to None include_movie (Optional[bool], optional): Include movie object if linked. Defaults to None. Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ params = {} if id_: params["movieId"] = id_ if include_movie is not None: params["includeMovie"] = include_movie return self._get("queue/details", self.ver_uri, params)
# GET /queue/status
[docs] def get_queue_status(self) -> JsonObject: """Queue item status Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ return self._get("queue/status", self.ver_uri)
# DELETE /queue/bulk
[docs] def del_queue_bulk( self, id_: list[int], remove_from_client: Optional[bool] = None, blocklist: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Union[Response, JsonObject, dict[Any, Any]]: """Remove multiple items from queue by their IDs Args: id_ (list[int]): Dictionary of IDs to be removed:: remove_from_client (bool, optional): Remove the items from the client. Defaults to True. blocklist (bool, optional): Add the items to the blocklist. Defaults to True. Returns: Response: HTTP Response """ data = {"ids": id_} params = {"removeFromClient": remove_from_client, "blocklist": blocklist} return self._delete("queue/bulk", self.ver_uri, params=params, data=data)
# POST /queue/grab/{id}
[docs] def force_grab_queue_item(self, id_: int) -> JsonObject: """Perform a Radarr "force grab" on a pending queue item by its ID. Args: id_ (int): Queue item ID from database. Returns: JsonObject: Dictionary with record """ return self._post(f"queue/grab/{id_}", self.ver_uri)
## COMMAND # POST /command
[docs] def post_command( self, name: RadarrCommands, **kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Union[int, list[int]]]] ) -> JsonObject: """Performs any of the predetermined Radarr command routines. Args: name (RadarrCommands): Command that should be executed **kwargs: Additional parameters for specific commands. See note. Note: For available commands and required `**kwargs` see the `RadarrCommands` model Returns: JsonObject: Dictionary containing job """ data: dict[str, Any] = { "name": name, } if kwargs: data |= kwargs return self._post("command", self.ver_uri, data=data)
## CUSTOM FILTERS # GET /customfilter
[docs] def get_custom_filter(self) -> JsonArray: """Query Radarr for custom filters Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ return self._get("customfilter", self.ver_uri)
# POST /qualityprofile
[docs] def add_quality_profile( self, name: str, schema: dict[str, Any], cutoff: int, upgrade_allowed: Optional[bool] = None, language: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, min_format_score: Optional[int] = None, cutoff_format_score: Optional[int] = None, format_items: Optional[list] = None, ) -> JsonObject: """Add new quality profile Args: name (str): Name of the profile schema (dict[str, Any]): Add the profile schema (from `get_quality_profile_schema()`) cutoff (int): ID of quality definition to cutoff at. Must be an allowed definition ID. upgrade_allowed (bool, optional): Are upgrades in quality allowed?. Default provided by schema. language (dict, optional): Language profile (from `get_language()`). Default provided by schema. min_format_score (int, optional): Minimum format score. Default provided by schema. cutoff_format_score (int, optional): Cutoff format score. Default provided by schema. format_items (list, optional): Format items. Default provided by schema. Note: Update the result from `get_quality_profile_schema()` set the items you need from `"allowed": false` to `"allowed": true`. See tests for more details. Returns: JsonObject: An object containing the profile """ schema["name"] = name schema["cutoff"] = cutoff if format_items is not None: schema["formatItems"] = format_items if language is not None: schema["language"] = language if upgrade_allowed is not None: schema["upgradeAllowed"] = upgrade_allowed if min_format_score is not None: schema["minFormatScore"] = min_format_score if cutoff_format_score is not None: schema["cutoffFormatScore"] = cutoff_format_score return self._post("qualityprofile", self.ver_uri, data=schema)
# GET /manualimport
[docs] def get_manual_import( self, folder: str, download_id: Optional[str] = None, movie_id: Optional[int] = None, filter_existing_files: Optional[bool] = None, replace_existing_files: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> JsonArray: """Gets a manual import list Args: downloadId (str): Download IDs movieId (int, optional): Movie Database ID. Defaults to None. folder (Optional[str], optional): folder name. Defaults to None. filterExistingFiles (bool, optional): filter files. Defaults to True. replaceExistingFiles (bool, optional): replace files. Defaults to True. Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ params: dict[str, Union[str, int, bool]] = {"folder": folder} if download_id: params["downloadId"] = download_id if movie_id: params["movieId"] = movie_id if filter_existing_files: params["filterExistingFiles"] = filter_existing_files if replace_existing_files: params["replaceExistingFiles"] = replace_existing_files return self._get("manualimport", self.ver_uri, params=params)
# PUT /manualimport
[docs] def upd_manual_import(self, data: JsonObject) -> JsonObject: """Update a manual import Note: To be used in conjunction with get_manual_import() Args: data (JsonObject): Data containing changes Returns: JsonObject: Dictionary of updated record """ return self._put("manualimport", self.ver_uri, data=data)
## RELEASE # GET /release
[docs] def get_release(self, id_: Optional[int] = None) -> JsonArray: """Query indexers for latest releases. Args: id_ (int): Database id for movie to check Returns: JsonArray: List of dictionaries with items """ return self._get("release", self.ver_uri, {"movieId": id_} if id_ else None)
# POST /release
[docs] def post_release(self, guid: str, indexer_id: int) -> JsonObject: """Adds a previously searched release to the download client, if the release is still in Radarr's search cache (30 minute cache). If the release is not found in the cache Radarr will return a 404. Args: guid (str): Recently searched result guid indexer_id (int): Database id of indexer to use Returns: JsonObject: Dictionary with download release details """ data = {"guid": guid, "indexerId": indexer_id} return self._post("release", self.ver_uri, data=data)
# POST /release/push
[docs] def post_release_push( self, title: str, download_url: str, protocol: str, publish_date: datetime ) -> Any: """If the title is wanted, Radarr will grab it. Args: title (str): Release name download_url (str): .torrent file URL protocol (str): "Usenet" or "Torrent publish_date (datetime): ISO8601 date Returns: JSON: Array """ data = { "title": title, "downloadUrl": download_url, "protocol": protocol, "publishDate": publish_date.isoformat(), } return self._post("release/push", self.ver_uri, data=data)