🚀 Quick Start

This quick start guide will take you through the easiest way to get up and running.


This package is distributed on PyPI and can be installed with pip:

To use the package in your Python project, you will need to import the required modules from below:

1 from pyarr import SonarrAPI
2 from pyarr import RadarrAPI
3 from pyarr import ReadarrAPI
4 from pyarr import LidarrAPI

All of the library modules are based on the same format the below example can be modified for each one by changing the sonarr referances to the required arr API:

 1 # Import SonarrAPI Class
 2 from pyarr import SonarrAPI
 4 # Set Host URL and API-Key
 5 host_url = 'http://your-domain.com'
 7 # You can find your API key in Settings > General.
 8 api_key = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
10 # Instantiate SonarrAPI Object
11 sonarr = SonarrAPI(host_url, api_key)
13 # Get and print TV Shows
14 print(sonarr.get_series())